
Weatherization is a grant funded energy conservation program that serves Carbon, Emery, Grand and San Juan Counties. It is designed to help low income individuals save money on home utility costs. These energy-saving measures not only benefit the residents financially but also contribute to a healthier and more comfortable living environment. The program requires a certification by the Home Energy Assistant Target Program (HEAT). (See the Community Services Tab for a link that program)

Services Provided by the Weatherization Program

Common energy saving repairs include:

1. Attic Insulation
2. Wall Insulation
3. Air Sealing
4. Repair or Replace Damaged Heating Systems
5. Evaluate to Replace Windows
6. Installing Ventilation Fans to meet ASHRAE Standard

The Crisis Program

In addition to its standard services, the Weatherization Team offers an expedited program to address urgent energy and health concerns. This program operates on a faster timeline but with a narrower scope of eligible repairs. The program requires a certification by the Home Energy Assistant Target Program (HEAT). (See the Community Services Tab for a link that program)

Examples of services provided by The Crisis Program include:

1. Repair or Replace Inoperable or Damaged Heating Systems (HEAT Certification)
2. Water Heater Replacement (HEAT Certification, Age 60+, Disabled or Child 5 or under living in the home)
3. Repair or Replace Inoperable Cooling Systems (HEAT Certification, Age 60+, Disabled or Child 5 or under living in the home)

Eligibility Requirements

  • Home Energy Assistance Target (HEAT) Certification

  • Applicant must own the land if home is a modular style home

  • Applicant must have landlords written permission if home is a rental

  • Can NOT offer assistance for Crisis Program for Rental

Complete The Applications

● Get Certified by the HEAT Program (See Community Services Tab)

● Complete Application for your county

● Check List for Homeowners

● Read “Weatherization vs. Remodeling”

● SERDA Utility History release Form

● Health and Safety Form

● Zero Income Notarized (if no income)

● Read the Privacy Act

How To Apply

Gather Required Information

● HEAT Certification

● Copy of State of Utah I.D.

● Copy of Utility Bills

● Proof of Home Ownership (e.g. Tax Roll, Deed, Title)

● If renting: Signed Income Property Agreement

Submit Application

Mail your application to:

ATTN Weatherization Intake

P.O. Box 1106

Price, UT 84501

Or Drop off at:

252 South Fairgrounds Road

Price, UT 84501


All Forms Must Have Original Signatures. No Photocopies or Faxes Are Permitted

Forms For San Juan County